Trislot screens are composed of a series of parallel profiles, that are welded in an automated process perpendicularly on support profiles. All dimensions are variable (slot openings between 0,1 mm and 20 mm are possible) and Trislot offers a wide range of different triangular and support profiles in several stainless steel alloys.
Our custom-made elements are ideal for use in prestigious building projects to suit the needs of designers and architects. Trislot grilles are manufactured to the highest standard and are not only aesthetically pleasing but are also robust and durable in the highest demanding locations.
We can offer our technical support from concept to final design.
Technical details
- Maximum dimensions of one single grille 3000// x 3600 mm (depending on support profile distance = ‘pitch’)
- If the screens must be aligned the maximum dimensions are 3000// x 500 mm
- Minimum pitch of support wires 32 mm
- Maximum advisable pitch of support wires 90 mm
- Minimum slot = 0.5 mm
- Maximum slot = 20 mm (Heel proof = 8mm)
- Maximum load can be advised if necessary
- Weight per m² with 50% open area
- 22S/Q35-90 : 8.2 kg
- 22S/10×3-70 : 12.6 kg
- 28S/10×3-70 : 14.8 kg
- 40A/10×3-70 : 16.2 kg
- 42S/10×3-70 : 20.5 kg
- 42S/15×3-60 : 22.9 kg
- 40A/25×3-50 : 24.8 kg
Typical combinations for
- Outlet AC systems, drainage channel (light construction as there is no weight or force on the screens)
- 22S/Q35
- 28S/10×3
- Cladding partition wall, ceiling and railing infills
- 40A/10×3
- 42S/10×3
- Stair steps, floor grilles
- 40A/10×3
- 40A/15×3
- 42S/15×3
- Stair panels, bridge panels, floor grille
- 40A/25×3
- 40A/35×3
- 42S/25×3

Pickling is our standard finish to remove all oxidation from the welding process. If required, we can also glass bead blast the screens to get a matt finish or electro polish to get a mirror effect. If a certain colour is required, we can spray paint our screens. (not advisable for pedestrian traffic)
We can supply the grilles with frames and/or fixation points

Special features